Charisma at its Best

Charisma: Are You Likable?

Tips for Instant Charisma

How are some people so likable that people fall for them as soon as they enter the room? Why everyone wants to be with them and not you?

Charisma is the quality of attracting people and making them like you. Most people think charm is an inherent quality, which is partly true. Many people are naturally charming.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t train yourself. There are a few things you can do to become instantly likable, influential, and charismatic.

Let’s dive in!

Have a confident body language

If you walk in a room like a scared deer, you instantly lose charisma. People will rank you lower on the confident leader scale. If you feel uncomfortable entering gatherings with a lot of people around, learn to mask your discomfort until you become naturally comfortable.

Make sure your body language and facial expressions have a positive impact on your behavior. Stand tall, keep your shoulders wide, head up, and walk proudly.

Be aware and present

Empathy is one of the essential leadership qualities. One of the easiest and most effective ways to convey that you care is to listen and maintain eye contact. To do this, forget about everything that’s happening around you and focus on the person you’re talking to. This act will make the other person feel that they matter to you the most at that moment.

Brush up your information

Wasn’t Tyrion Lannister so charismatic in Game of Thrones? Why? Because he knew things.

Research suggests that having high levels of IQ and general knowledge can make you funny, quick-witted, and charismatic. Besides, information also increases your confidence, which, in turn, improves your charisma.

Dress to impress

Believe it or not, you are what you wear, and most people will make an opinion of you based on the way you look. In fact, if you stick to a particular style, it becomes your personal brand, and people start looking at you the way you dress.

Studies suggest that dressing well makes you feel more confident and empowered. Your wardrobe can also enhance your self-esteem. If you don’t believe it, do your own experiment. Wear some old, grungy clothes and observe how you feel. Now, put on something professional, classy, and well-tailored, and feel the difference.

Ask questions

Listening more than talking and asking questions are the golden rules of networking. When you encourage others to speak and talk about their beliefs and past experiences, they start trusting and liking you.

And people prefer spending time around people they trust. So, ignite deeper conversations by asking questions about them, their business, and their life. But don’t get too personal.

Wear a smile

Everyone loves a smiling face. Always have a genuine smile on your face that reaches other people’s eyes and reflects passion and care. Try to smile often in day-to-day activities where people notice you and are likely to become more inclined to engage with you.

And you don’t need to show your 32 pieces of calcium – a subtle smile as if you’re enjoying every minute of life is enough. A smiling face would attract others and encourage conversations every time.

Use gestures and metaphors

People love listening to stories. When you’re in a conversation with someone, use metaphors and gestures to paint a picture. Using metaphors can help you create memorable conversations and help others easily digest your point.

Gestures, on the other hand, help you sound more involved, interested, and conversational. These tactics can be really helpful if you need to give a presentation or speak on stage.

Maintain a positive outlook

2020 has been a harsh year for all, and there’s so much negative to talk about. But what separates charismatic people and successful people from normal people is their tendency to put a positive spin on things.

There’s a lot of content to fuel a doom and gloom conversation, but there are also positive things happening around us. If you want to be charismatic, don’t indulge yourself in conversations about looming crises. Instead, discuss uplifting stories and ideas to maintain a positive atmosphere around you.

Final thoughts

Charisma is an essential quality that would help you not only in your workplace but in your day-to-day life. While you should not focus on pleasing people, having a factor of likability by your side can surely help. So, follow the tips discussed above to instantly become more likable.

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Deep Thinker. Philosopher. Author. Theatre Artist
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