suicidal thoughts on your mind?

Suicidal thoughts on your mind? Read This

Everything is gone. My dreams and hopes are shattered. My loved ones are no longer by my side. It will never be the same again, and my life is now worthless.

Sadness and anxiety are common thoughts that we come across on almost a daily basis. But sometimes, the pain and suffering may seem so overwhelming and permanent; you may feel ending your life is the ultimate solution.

Before moving forward with the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of feeling suicidal, understand one thing: nothing is more important than your life. No matter how much pain you are experiencing right now, you are not alone, and there’s no problem in this world that does not have a solution.

That being said, let’s talk about why people feel suicidal and how to get rid of such thoughts.

Why do people feel suicidal?

Thoughts of suicide can arise due to various kinds of emotions. The reasons for such feelings are unique to each person, but there are some common causes that may lead to suicidal thoughts. These include:

One of the most likely cases, when people think of suiciding, is when they’re not able to think of any other solutions. The extreme emotional pain you feel may distort your thinking ability, and while committing suicide is one of the worst decisions you can make, it’s easy to conclude you want to end your life.

Understand that a suicidal crisis is almost always temporary. It may seem like your unhappiness and pain will never end, but even problems that seem hopeless have solutions. All medical conditions, such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, are treatable with proper therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Suicidal thoughts are no exception, and you can overcome your thoughts by seeking help from the right people.

Actionable steps to get rid of suicidal thoughts

If you’re having suicidal thoughts, take these immediate actions right now.

Promise yourself not to do anything

Even if you’re in endless pain, take a deep breath, and give your thoughts and actions some distance. Promise yourself: I will not do anything drastic for a week. That does not mean you can do something after a week, but it’s good to start somewhere.

Avoid drugs and alcohol

When things don’t go the way we want them to go, we tend to counter the pain and unhappiness with alcohol or drugs. However, consuming such chemicals can have the opposite effect and can make your suicidal thoughts stronger and more vivid. Don’t use any non-prescription drugs when you are stressed, depressed, or thinking of suicide.

Make your home safe

Get rid of items in your home that you can use to hurt yourself, such as blades, knives, razors, pills, etc. If you can’t get rid of such items, go to a place where you are not surrounded by such items. If you are taking prescription medications and feel like you may overdose, give them to someone trustworthy and ask them to give it to you only as prescribed.

Talk your feelings out

One of the first steps to cope with suicidal feelings or mental health issues is to share them with people you trust. There’s nothing you cannot share with your family or friends, so talk to them instead of keeping suicidal feelings to yourself. If you can’t contact a family member or friend, talk to a doctor, counselor, or call a helpline number.

Don’t let the fear, shame, or embarrassment prevent you from seeking help. Make sure to have the people you trust stay by your side and help you come out of your trauma. With the support of friends and family, you can overcome any hurdle in your life.

Look for hope and inspiration

You are not the only person who had suicidal thoughts. A report from the CDC suggested that around 10 million Americans have experienced suicidal thoughts at least once in their lifetime. But, most of them manage to get over their feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness to get a new direction in life. And if they can do it, you can do it too.

Wrapping up

Suicide is not a solution to any problem, as the value of your life is more than the weight of your problems. Whenever you feel suicidal, tell yourself that everything will be alright, and you will find a solution. Then, talk to people you feel can help, and if required, seek medical help.

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Deep Thinker. Philosopher. Author. Theatre Artist
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