Path to happiness

The Path to Happiness Starts When You Will

What makes people happy? Is it the absence of adversity? We acknowledge that there would always be adversity in life, as well as situations that we cannot control, and doing our best in spite of them all? It is the latter. Acknowledging our shortcomings and the fact that we cannot control everything helps us to focus on those things that we can control and give our best efforts into it. It opens up our mind to work on our shortcomings and overcome them, instead of keeping up with the charade where we convince ourselves that we are helpless. There is hardly anything worse than the unwillingness to change and learn.

Changing Yourself Can Change the Path You Are On
Change is an important part of survival as well as towards happiness. Whether it is a change in our attitude, in our outlook, or even in our daily routine, a positive change can have a huge positive impact not only on our life but also on the lives of the people that are connected with ours. However, the first step towards change in our lives is knowing what needs to change.

Are You the Root Cause of Your Unhappiness?
Stop complaining about things. Instead, take some time out to think about why you are unhappy. Understand the reason behind your unhappiness and how you can change it. Most of the times, the root cause of our happiness lies within ourselves. Sometimes, we are afraid to venture out into uncertain territory. Sometimes, we are scared of repeating our mistakes or allowing ourselves to trust others. We are also scared of rejection and being hurt. While these are not necessarily insignificant concerns, they stop us from moving forward towards our happiness.

Your Happiness Lies Within You

People may hurt us; it is a fact and cannot be changed. However, that doesn’t mean that we should stop trusting others. Rather, we should take the reins of our happiness into our own hands and have the strength to find happiness within ourselves regardless of the pain that others inflict upon us, knowingly or unknowingly.

A Strong Will Can Help You Stay on the Path to Happiness

To make a positive change in your life the most important thing that you need is a strong will. Strengthen your will and your belief in yourself. You may not have control over other things but you will always have control over your mind. A strong will is needed to help you choose the emotions that you want to feel when faced with adversity. Whether you want to complain about it, be in denial, ignore it, or you choose to work hard to overcome the adversity and find happiness within yourself all throughout the process, will decide the path you take. Thus, understand the root cause of your unhappiness and strengthen your will to change yourself to overcome it.

Tips to stay happy always are mentioned in The Mind Game. Want to give it a try ?

Deep Thinker. Philosopher. Author. Theatre Artist
Posts created 131

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