Will power

Will Power: The Strength of Your Will Shapes Your Future

Will power – heard about this term? What shapes our future? Psychologists, scientists, researchers carry out a number of psychological studies on children in the hope of finding and understanding the traits which affect the future. Then they use those traits to predict how the future of an individual would be.

These Studies are Not a Hundred Percent Accurate

One of the flaws in the studies of this type is the assumption that all throughout life, people do not change. A child who shows a certain trait, say for example impatience, will continue to show the same trait, at the same level when he reaches adulthood as well. Thereby, his decision-making skills would remain the same and produce the same results. It writes off the ability of a person to change as he grows up.

Are People Unable to Change?

Well, that is the case for a majority of people who continue living their life with the same behavior and attitude. There is hardly any change in them to significantly affect their decision-making skills. However, that is not always the case because people are indeed capable of changing; otherwise, there wouldn’t be reformed criminals.

What Helps People Change?

While it is not unheard of that people change, it is uncommon because it requires enormous efforts. Changing yourself requires assessing yourself. Accepting your flaws is no doubt a difficult and scary concept, but that is the first change towards change. Once you accept your flaws, it is easy to understand what needs to change and how. This lets you overcome your negative traits while highlighting the positive. However, the most important aspect of changing yourself is your willingness and how strong your will is. Once you decide on changing yourself, it requires an immense amount of sheer willpower to stick to that decision and keep on working until you become a better version of yourself.

How Does It Affect Your Future?

Changing yourself, or rather improving yourself, helps you open up to the new possibilities and overcome adversities. You need to have a strong will to stick to the changes that you make in yourself. A strong will also helps you achieve your goals without compromising on anything. Moreover, it prevents you from giving up. The people who have effectively changed themselves and improved their future are strong-willed and persistent.

To truly understand how your will can help you achieve all your dreams, read THE MIND GAME.

Deep Thinker. Philosopher. Author. Theatre Artist
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